San andres 60
Con - Con
Daniel Sumonte
Town hall
Con- Con
May 13th of 2014
Dear sir major Sumonte,
I am writing to protest against the stadium that will be built in our neighbourhood. I understant that it is difficult to change the stadium of town, but have you thought about the problem that it can bring, it will affect the community seriously, the society that we buildt with effort and time.
I am particulary concerned about the families that live next to the stadium. With the stadium the traffic will increase. Our neighbourhood is very pasific, we play outside on the street with my two brothers. From one day to another a lot of cars will pass by and we will not be able to play there anymore. With all the neughbourhood , it occurs the same.
In addition, the violence will also increase. We don't have alarm or a thing like that because there is not delinquence in out town. We have only one police officer in the town and they will not be able to support the town witth all the new vioñence. Also it will bring drugs and that is a very serous problem.
Furthermore, the stadium will bring acoust pollution. All the neighbourhood will be hearing all the noise of the stadium everyday, and the noise of all the cars that came to the stadium.
It is for these reasons that I think you should recognise the damage of the stadium in our town.
I look foward to your response
Martin Achondo
233 words