dear Ali:
I need to tell you a significant fact that happened in the day of the kite tournament. everything starts in the tournament. I helped Amir. He was a finalist, the final was difficult for Amir, he had to cut a blue kite. Finally he cut it and won. I said to Amir that I will go for the blue kite to win the trophy of honor. I knew where the kite would fall. so I catched the kite but Assef, wali and kamal want the kite, so I ran away. They followed me until they stalked me. They want the kite, but I didin't give it. I said it was for Amir beause he won. Assef told me that Amir dosen't vonsider me as a friend, but I didint't belive that. also said to me that I am only a hazara, a person that may don't leave, but I never gave the kite to Assef. the thing that happened next is very delicate, I don't know how a person can do that. Wali and kamal extended my arms and assef standed behind me. i didn't do anything because I can't. He raped me. I need your help. I don't know if this will happen again, so I need to talk to you in person about this. I need yur recomendation. I am traumatized.