miércoles, 1 de julio de 2015

Kite runner questions chapter 8-9

Chapter 8
1. What happens to Amir on the way to Jalalabad? Why?
2. How does Amir react when Hassan invites him to buy naan?
3. Narrate the second episode at the pomegranate tree. What does it mark in Amir and Hassan’s relationship?
4. What is Assef’s gift to Amir?
5. What story does Rahim Khan tell to Amir? Why?
Chapter 9
1. What is Amir’s most treasurable present?
2. How does Amir feel when he receives Ali and Hassan’s present?
3. What is Ami’rs ” the last in a long time of shameful lies“?
4. How does Amir realize Hassan “knew everything“?
5. Why does Amir compare the farawell  moment to a Hindi film?

Chapter 8:
1. he felt guilt because Hassan rape, he didn't do anything to stop this.
2. he don't acept the invitation, he act very bad
3. at the pomegrate tree amir trhowed a fruit to Hassan because he want that hassan return this shot, but hassan didn't do it. He knew that Amir knows about the rape. here Hassan knows that Amir dosen't want to be with him
4. biography of Hitler
5. he told to amir the story of his ''wife'' Homaira, a hazara woman. 

Chapter 9:
1. the brown leath-bound notebook gived by Rahim Khan
2. he felt guilt so he didin't see it
3. is like when he lies to Baba, accusing that Hassan stole his watch
4. he realize when Amir lies about the thieft of the watch
5. because in Afghanistan never rain and that day rain.

Kite runner questions chapter 5-6

Chapter 5:
  1. What social episode takes place in April 1978?
  2. Why does Amir call Assef a “sociopath”?
  3. What does Assef think about Hitler?
  4. Why does Amir say to Assef that Hassan “is not his friend”?
  5. What does Baba give Hassan as a birthday present?
Chapter 6:
  1. Why does Amir wish Baba did not buy the same kites for Hassan?
  2. According to Amir, what is for kite runners a “trophy of honor”?
  3. “Would you ever ask me to do such a thing Amir agha”? What is Hassan referring to in this section of the book? (p.59)
  4. What is the real reason Amir wants to win the kite tournament?
  5. In your opinion, is Hassan a happy kid? Why? Why not?


Chapter 5:
1. invasion of Russia to Afghanistan
2. because he always says that he is better than the other, like he is great
3. he think Hitler is a good leader with great ideas
4. he said that because amir and hassan are of different groups, amir is a pashtung an          hassan a hazara
5. an operation for his

Chapter 6:
1. Because Amir wants more atention of Baba.
2. the throphy of honor is the last cut kite, the person that catch it won that honor, its a tradition
3. he is domastrating the loyalty to Amir
4. He wants that Baba take more care of him, demostrate to him that he is a good son
5. yes, because he always smile and he is happy, he enjoy all the moments with Amir