miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

Tobacco use Article

Tobacco in the world and schools

Do yo know what tobacco is?
Do you think that your child is smoking?
Now I will explain to you

The country and the schools are in a serious problem, to reduce  the tobacco in teenagers. Most of the children tried the tobacco without an intention because they see another person smoking and they tried thinking that it is fun. Other people sell tobacco outside the school and the children buy it. The most serious problem is that the children or teenagers become addicts and then they can try drugs like marijuana, cocaine and then can try cocaine base.
In chile the 40 percent of the country smokes and the children smell the smoke when their fathers smoke and that can bring a serious disease, like heart disease or asthma. The government is planning ways to reduce this percentage because his very dangerous and people can die of chronic diseases.

An example is like in Latin America the deaths rate is:
  * There are more than 100 million smokers in Latin America and the Caribbean.
 * For 2020 the tobacco be the cause of 9% of deaths occurring in Latin America.
* Over 30% of Latin Americans are smokers, 40% of men and 20% of women.

In the world
  * Today in the world there is more than 1 billion smokers, half will die from their habit.
  * The tobacco causes over 10,000 deaths every day. 500 million people alive today will die in the future if they continue.
   * The tobacco today kills more than 4 million people each year and by 2030 that figure will have risen to 10 million.
  * The developing countries consume more than 70% of the Global tobacco.
  * For 2020 the tobacco will be producing nearly 6 million deaths in developing

Ways to prevent this:
 *Forbid tobacco use by students, staff and visitors on all school grounds and at all school sponsored
 *Provide comprehensive tobacco prevention education 
*involve parents and families in school efforts to prevent tobacco use.
 *Help tobacco-using students and staff quit.
*Adopt a firm school policy of not accepting any funding, curricula or other materials from any
tobacco companies.                                                                                                                             

In conclusion, my opinion is that the schools can prevent a lot of deaths by tobacco in the world because if they teach that the tobacco is bad and can bring diseases when they grow up they will not smoke.

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