viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

Discussion about in vitro fertilisation

Manri: have you heard about this new technique that allows couples to choose the sex, eye colour, hair colour, etc. Its called in vitro ferrilisation, I am totally against it, but how about you?

Acho: I am pro in vitro fertilisation because couples get the chance to choose how they want their children to look, also it allows people who struggle having babies to do it.

Manri: That's a good point, but i am talking about the people who can perfectly have babies but take the unethical decision of using this process to choose how they want their child to look like, that is wrong, yo can not decide what you get, this ain't build-a-baby dot com

Acho: that is a well stated point of view, but with this process couples can ensure that their child won't have mentally or physical complications wich will maybe won't let him have a fully active life of limitations in its future

Manri: Oh sorry I have to go, this conversation was very interesting 

Acho: ok.. Bye

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